Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Key Lime Pie

key limes

I’m going to be completely honest: I didn’t want to come to Florida. It was the last on my list, I’d much rather be in Maine or Colorado. But it’s growing on me. It’s more than hot weather and retirees, it’s absolutely beautiful. Last night I watched lightening over the ocean, it took my breath away.

But there’s one thing associated with Florida I loved before I got here. Key Lime Pie. I hadn’t made one in ages, so as soon as I hit the Florida line, I started craving it. Key Lime Pie is one of the simplest thing you can make, just a few ingredients create something delicious.

key lime pie

This one was made much harder by lack of kitchen tools in my condo though. I had no whisk, no strainer, no pie plate, I had to use a cheese grater instead of a citrus zester and there’s not a hot pad in sight. But that just made it more fun.

key lime pie.

This recipe is very, very good. I like mine super mouth puckeringly tart, and this comes close.

key lime pie

Key Lime Pie
From Gourmet

For crust
(though i used store bought, this is a very good crust recipe i've used many times.)
1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs from 9 (2 1/4-inch by 4 3/4-inch) crackers
2 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

For filling
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
4 large egg yolks
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons fresh Key lime juice

Make crust:
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Stir together graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and butter in a bowl with a fork until combined well, then press mixture evenly onto bottom and up side of a 9-inch (4-cup) glass pie plate.
Bake crust in middle of oven 10 minutes and cool in pie plate on a rack. Leave oven on.
Make filling and bake pie:
Whisk together condensed milk and yolks in a bowl until combined well. Add juice and whisk until combined well (mixture will thicken slightly).
Pour filling into crust and bake in middle of oven 15 minutes. Cool pie completely on rack (filling will set as it cools), then chill, covered, at least 8 hours.

Don't forget about my giveaway!


  1. Beautiful blog. I adore your photography.

  2. Gorgeous Hannah. I love every photo and thanks for the recipe.

  3. Id rather go to Maine (my neighbor from back home) or Colorado...Im glad you are starting to like Flordia. Your photos are beautiful! And there really is nothing like a good flordia key lime pie!!

  4. Limes, limes, I love me some limes. Gorgeous pie. Can't wait to try it.


  5. Oh my, is that Daytona Beach? I live there!

  6. Hannah! Maine or Colorado! That's where I just went and where I'm going! :) We must think alike.

    On that note, Florida does have its perks, and I remember them well. So glad you're enjoying it there!

  7. My hubby loves key lime pie. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I am definitely going to try it. I also love Florida. We go at least once a year to visit my parents up in Pensacola. Have a safe and fun vacation.

  8. That looks so very good! Key lime is my brothers favorite pie, so I will have to give this one a try! :)

  9. Your photos are gorgeous and do a wonderful job showing off the Sunshine State!

  10. Key lime pie is definitely something to love. Love it too! And, Florida? I've never been, but I'd rather be there in the winter than here!

  11. That pie looks magically delicious. I like how you put the slices of lime on top. Your food all looks so good, it makes me hungry!

  12. In my mind key lime pie is the perfect dessert. Both sweet and tart at the same time. Your version looks divine!

  13. My boyfriend just came down with something and has been feeling miserable for the past 12 hours. This will definitely cheer him right up - once he can eat food other than bananas and puffed wheat cereal, that is! Thanks!



  14. New York is getting cold and I would love some Florida heat. Maybe a little keylime pie will help cure my fall blues.

  15. such gorgeous photos - and i wish i could have your key lime pie in my lap right now. :)

  16. I've never made keylime pie before nor have I had it but I had no idea it was so easy to make! Can't wait to try this recipe out.

  17. i really love your photography and baking!

    a post with your baking.. hehe..

    thanks for the inspiration!


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