Thursday, January 14, 2010

[14/365] i bought myself flowers
Sometimes a girl has got to just buy herself some flowers.


  1. so true - and i'm crazy about tulips in blue glass too

  2. Are they in a mason jar? That's the vase of choice at my house.

  3. I'm not a "flower" person but I do love tulips. So pretty especially in yellow!

  4. Beauuuutiful.
    I've been eyeing flowers lately too. It's the mid-winter need for life.

  5. Agreed! I Don't think I can ever have enough. Even though they die so quickly when cut they are so worth every penny spent! I hope one day I can have a pretty Garden to sit in during spring and summer. P.S. I don't think I told you this yet but I have been following your blog for the past few months and it is simply lovely.. the pictures, your sweet thoughts, everything. I feel like we know each other; and I am so glad we do!

  6. I never thought of buying myself flowers. That certainly would cheer up a dreary day! Yours are lovely, and beautifully photographed, of course.

  7. I totally agree!! I was eyeing some pretty tulips just the other day. Beautiful pictures.

  8. I picked myself up some tulips yesterday too- love them :)

  9. Brilliant idea Hannah buying yourself flowers. I've never done it yet! And tulips - my favorite :)

  10. Tulips are coming soon! Sigh. Makes you feel a little better, doesn't it?

  11. I love all of that light, it makes it seem so cheerful and warm.

  12. I love buying flowers for myself too. It always shocks my husband. You'd think he'd get the hint by now?! ;) Great choice. I love tulips.

  13. I always agree to this!! I can't get enough of your blog... DELIGHTFUL!!! xo

  14. so so true!!!
    i swoon over your blog!!

    happy weekend :)

  15. love those photos - oh the light! yes, it's true a girl has got to buy herself flowers eve now and then.

  16. love from you to yourself... cheer yourself up with a beautiful thing you did thinking of you... :)

  17. beautiful photos. the color of those blooms is gorgeous!

  18. I completely agree with you. Great Posting love this way, I have no point to raise in against of what you have said I think you explain the whole situation very well.

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  19. Beautiful tulips... I love having fresh flowers in my home. :))

    flowers online


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