Thursday, May 21, 2009

Individual Monkey Breads.

Biscuits, butter, sugar, cinnamon. I think that’s all I need to say about this one.

monkey bread

monkey bread

monkey bread

This stuff is astoundingly good. I grew up with monkey bread, but have never made it with this method - it works wonderfully. I think we’re planning on selling these mini ones at the farmers market. Be careful if you use jumbo muffin cups like i did, the butter mixture spillled out a lot and got in the bottom of the oven. Put aluminum foil under the pan.

Monkey Bread
from Ryan via The Pioneer Woman

3 cans Buttermilk biscuits (not the flakey kind)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2-3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 sticks butter

Preheat the oven to 350.

Open up all three cans of biscuits and cut each biscuit into quarters.

Next, combine the white sugar with 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon. 3 will be really cinnamon-y. Dump this mix and the biscuits into a gallon size zip lock back and shake it up really well.

Drop all of the biscuit quarters into a bundt pan (or jumbo muffin cups).

Melt the butter with the brown sugar in a sauce pan over medium-high heat until combined. Once the brown sugar butter has become one color, pour it over the biscuits.

Bake for 30-40 minutes (or 20 minutes for the muffin cup ones) until the crust is deep brown on the top.

I should now say that you should let it cool for about 15-30 minutes, but that’s practically impossible. Just tear you off a piece, blow on it for a minute and stick it in your mouth.

Oh man, it’s good.


  1. Hi! I found your blog via Pastor Ryan's comment section. I am from GA too, and I wanted to stop in and say hello. I love your blog and will probably be stopping by here frequently for recipes!! :)

  2. hello,

    wow, this will be perfect for my dtr to make! it sounds really easy and looks oh so good. great pics too.sherry

  3. What a great idea! I love the idea of everyone getting their own personal breads. Beautiful pictures as always!

  4. WOW I think that this is something I have to make ASAP!

  5. I have left an award for you on my website called “One Lovely Blog Award” It's for cool and recently discovered websites. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I came from flickr, looks very cute when u make it a single portion:)

  7. You strike again! Monkey bread is a childhood favorite - one that my sis, mom and I had serious difficulty eating a small portion of. This would come in handy, although I fear I'd eat at least three servings :)



  8. If you mix in one small box of regular butterscotch pudding mix with the sugar and cinnamon you will get caramel monkey bread. I like the jumbo muffin cup idea - thanks! ~ Robyn

  9. I've never had monkey bread before.
    I'm serious.
    These looks absolutely delicious...
    Also, I noticed your middle photo on Tastespotting- congrats!!

  10. What a fantastic idea making mini ones! Mini desserts are big in my neck of the woods. Starbucks can't keep the two bite sized brownies, scones and cheese Danish stocked. They sell out with the morning crowd.

  11. I love monkey bread! And I love Pioneer Woman! 2 kudos on this post! ;D

  12. I have never tried monkey bread, but it has been a temptation for quite some time. This method looks so easy! As always, wonderful post, wonderful photos.

  13. I think everyone but me has eaten Monkey Bread. I'd never heard of it until it started showing up on food blogs a year or so ago. I like the idea of little personal ones. Maybe I'll give them a try!

  14. I just stumbled across your blog and I love your photos! I grew up eating monkey bread as well and I love the idea to make them mini size. They're easier to serve that way and frankly they just look delicious!

  15. This is great! I like the portion control of the muffins...cause I could eat the entire bundt pan of the monkey bread! great photos as usual!

  16. hello! i've never tried monkey bread before but will be trying it out to bring to a potluck this week. what is the company name of the biscuits you used because most of the kinds i know of are the flaky kind.

  17. Hi! Just found your site tonight, and am thoroughly enjoying it! I am a Christian, too, and live in Mississippi. Yummy sounding recipes and great pics!
    Congratulations on a beautiful blog.

  18. Delicious! your monkey bread recipe are tasteful!
    thanks for sharing.

    and you can visit me if i can visit you:)

  19. My sister-n-law first made me monkey bread. I love your idea for individual servings. Super yum! -Chris Ann

  20. I love the individule monkey breads. A twist on an old classic.

  21. wow, those look great! i've never had monkey bread before, but those look good and easy to make...two of my favorite things!

  22. I tried this recipe and it was delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  23. I made these today for a breakfast party and they were amazing and really simple to make. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Almost ashamed to admit, but I have never had monkey bread. These look delicious!

  25. This is such a good idea! My husband found your blog on Stumble Upon and showed me. I have now added you to my google reader! I love your website!

  26. Oh man, I love this idea! I grew up with monkey bread as a very special weekend treat, and loved pulling it apart when it was still hot. It never occurred to me to make individual portions. Genius. I'm trying it this weekend.

  27. We tried this recipe this past weekend, and it turned out great. We should have paid attention to the part about the mixture bubbling over, though, because we forgot to line the bottom of the oven with foil.

  28. You have such amazing photos and of course really good looking food! I've really enjoyed looking at your blog. Keep it up!

  29. Hi,
    Can anyone tell me what are Buttermilk biscuits? I'm from Ireland and I think our "biscuit" is something very different! Thanks

  30. hi lydia! biscuits are very different in your part of the world! here in the US they are light fluffy breads. here's the wikipedia page on them:

  31. Hi

    I'm from wales and have the similar issue as Lydia, I plan to try using English Scones, but could you tell me how many 'biscuits' you get in a can?

    thanks :)

  32. Hi!
    This looks wonderful, but I was wondering how many it makes...

  33. I also am wondering how many jumbo muffins this made? My pan only has six spots. Is that how many this recipe makes?

  34. We made these today for my son's monkey birthday! The kids loved getting to help make them and they tasted awesome! We also put them in the extra large cupcake holders and the mess was much easier to clean up!

  35. I made this using one can of Pillsbury breadsticks, by cutting each breadstick into three pieces. I divided the ingredients into thirds & it made 6 jumbo muffin sized monkey breads (if you put 6 pieces of dough into each muffin cup). It was delicious. Thanks for the idea!

  36. These look absolutely delicious! I do love my sweets! :0)

  37. This is the best... I love this monkey bread. my sister made it one time and it was one where we all couldn't get ehough... I am definately makin some today!

  38. So we had a training day at work , and these were "breakfast". Our drivers were not only impressed, but they created a fun way to start off a long day of training the best possible way.
    This is great with a great cup of coffee! Thanks!

  39. These look SOOOO good!! I wanna make some of these tonight :)

  40. Are really those that easy to make??? Gonna have to try this one!

  41. This was soo good! I made them yesterday and they were soooo yummy!

  42. take a look!

  43. Great picture taking on these monkey bread minis!
    I can almost taste them!!

  44. Made this last night, totally adding raisins next time and less sugar.

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